Summernation: The Spanish Recruitment Slowdown

Ah, summer in Spain! The land of siestas, fiestas, and sun-soaked beaches. When the mercury rises, Spain takes a collective deep breath, slows its pace, and embraces a much-deserved break. Picture this: hiring managers swapping their desks for beach chairs and their laptops for mojitos. The heatwaves of July and August turn offices into ghost towns as the workforce embraces what we like to call: “summernation.”

The Great Summer Slowdown

Spain’s summer slowdown is almost legendary. During these sweltering months, professional activity drops significantly, and it’s not just because of the scorching temperatures. Spaniards know how to enjoy life, and summer is prime time for family, friends, and fun in the sun. The country practically transforms, with business hours reduced, long lunches taken, and a general air of relaxation permeating everything.

Many offices switch to a summer schedule, known as “horario intensivo,” which means starting earlier in the morning and finishing up around 3 PM, just in time to beat the worst of the afternoon heat. This allows employees to enjoy the rest of the day by the pool, at the beach, or in the cool shade of their homes.

The Modern Twist

Yet, times are changing. While the traditional summer slowdown is still very much a thing, the modern work environment is adapting. More companies now operate year-round without such dramatic reductions in activity. Flexible working hours and remote work options have become more prevalent, allowing businesses to maintain productivity while still giving employees the freedom to enjoy their summer.

In the recruitment world, this means the season isn’t as quiet as it once was. Companies continue to hire, and job seekers are still active. However, there’s a noticeable shift in the pace. Things slow down, yes, but they don’t come to a complete halt.

The Foreign Client Conundrum

For foreign clients, the Spanish summer can be a bit of a shock. Used to a more consistent work rhythm, they might find it bewildering when emails go unanswered and projects stall. But with a bit of patience and understanding, they soon adapt to the Spanish way of doing things. After all, who wouldn’t want to incorporate a little more relaxation into their work life?

This period of reduced activity can be an excellent opportunity for foreign companies to take a breather as well. They can use this time to plan, strategize, and prepare for the busier months ahead. It’s also a great time to strengthen relationships with their Spanish counterparts by embracing the local customs and perhaps even joining in on some of the summer fun.

The IT Talent Market

Despite the slowdown, the IT talent market in Spain remains dynamic. There’s still a pool of motivated candidates looking for new opportunities, and the summer can be a great time to snap up top talent before the autumn rush. International companies, in particular, might find this period advantageous as they can continue their recruitment efforts without as much competition.

Plus, with more professionals working remotely, the geographical barriers are less of an issue. Companies can cast a wider net and attract talent from different parts of the country or even internationally. This flexibility can be a significant advantage in a competitive market.

The September Rush

As the lazy days of summer wane, September looms on the horizon. This is when the Spanish workforce returns in full force, refreshed and recharged, ready to tackle new challenges. For the recruitment industry, this means a surge in activity. The “ohmygods” of September hit hard as companies scramble to fill positions and get back on track after the summer hiatus.

It’s crucial to be prepared for this rush. If you can, try to get ahead of the curve by starting your recruitment efforts during the summer. This way, you can secure top talent before the competition heats up again. And if you’re working with a recruitment agency, make sure they’re on top of things and ready to hit the ground running come September.

Making the Most of Summer

So, how can you make the most of the Spanish summer slowdown? First, embrace it. Take this time to relax, recharge, and enjoy the slower pace. Whether you’re a hiring manager, a job seeker, or an international client, there’s something to be said for taking a step back and appreciating the more relaxed rhythm of summer.

Next, plan ahead. Use this quieter period to strategize and prepare for the busier months ahead. If you’re in recruitment, start lining up candidates and scheduling interviews for September. If you’re a job seeker, use this time to update your resume, network, and perhaps even enjoy a bit of a break yourself.

Finally, enjoy the little things. Whether it’s a long lunch with friends, an afternoon siesta, or a weekend getaway to the beach, take advantage of the slower pace to savor the good things in life. After all, that’s what summer in Spain is all about.


Summertime in Spain is a unique and delightful experience. The professional world slows down, allowing everyone to take a breath, relax, and enjoy the sunshine. While it might be a bit disorienting for those not used to it, there’s a lot to be gained from embracing the slower pace and making the most of the season.

So, as the summer sun blazes and the beaches fill up with tan walkers, remember that the recruitment world is still turning, albeit a bit more slowly. NBS IT Recruitment is here to help you navigate the summer hiring season with ease, ensuring you’re ready to tackle the September rush with confidence.

See you on the other side!